Group Interview Survey

A home use test is the method that merchandise together with a questionnaire is sent to respondents and they answer the questionnaire after using it. It is suitable for merchandise that can only be evaluated after the use of it for a certain period of time like the effectiveness of health foods and skin care products.

Obtaining Data in the Real Environment That Cannot Be Realized in CLT
Real data in daily life is obtainable on merchandise such as kitchen items and bathroom furnishings that can only be evaluated after using them at home.
Conducting a Time-Series Survey of Merchandise Practicable
Each evaluation of merchandise at the initial, middle and termination periods is obtained to determine the time series variations.
Surveys of Seniors and Children Practicable
Our offline respondents enable to recruit seniors and children who are usually unable to be respondents.


A home use test is similar to CLT in that "a product is actually used by a respondent." However, there are advantages in a home use test as follows: a respondent can take enough time to evaluate with use of a product in a daily life more than CLT; seniors who are difficult to come to a venue can be respondents; the cost can relatively be reduced.


The deliverables can be provided in any language if required.

Extensive Respondents

Consumer survey includes not only online survey using the Internet but offline survey to respondents. An right survey/research method is selected; for example, an offline survey is used for acquiring data widely from seniors in general or direct responses from children. It is also available to obtain paired data by a survey on the differences between generations in a family. Furthermore, researchers review actual responses one by one to reject inappropriate responses for ensuring the quality of a survey.

Respondents of JMAR

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